
Update the world with one click

With easiChannel, you can control your availability and rates centrally via a single input interface. This saves you time and avoids errors.

easiChannel supports the hotelier in the maintenance of data from over 40 international booking portals (Booking.com, HRS, Expedia, etc.), as rates, availability, and minimum stay requirements are input into a standardised input form. Rates can be maintained manually in the easiChannel or exported from the hotel management programme.

The auto-balance process automatically updates all channels whenever availability or rates change: you will never get incorrect rates or availabilities again.

The user interface from easiChannel

The advantages of easiChannel

Channel manager

Direct two-way connection to the most important booking platforms and connection to the booking platform easiBooking to automatically exchange information about rates and availability.

Global channel management

Simple and central management of channels, with a global, maximum presence for greater efficiency and optimal management of availability and rates.

Data analysis

Detailed analyses and statistics of the channels used for the booking

Interested? Contact us

Please note: easiBooking and easiChannel are offered by Yanovis exclusively outside the South Tyrol region. For further information please contact us.